We asked three photographers to share with us what they have captured during Finland’s Free Palestine protests.

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Uusin julkaisu

Englanniksi - In English

We are writing as Black, Brown, migrant, indigenous and anti-racist groups in Finland.

Neicia Marsh’s essay about the Black experience online.

Veganism has exploited people of color and continues to do so,
but we should still all be vegans.

Is it but a dream to represent many critical political agendas at once?

Leonardo Custódio, PhD reflects in his essay on whiteness, Black masculinity and his own racism against Black women.

The Helsinki based writer and RT LIT Academy’s alumni goes into depth about her debut novel.



Meidän kesken – SOCOlaisten supinoita ja suoraa puhetta

Students of Colour ry on Helsingin yliopiston opiskelijajärjestö etniseen ja näkyvään vähemmistöön kuuluville opiskelijoille.