Association, Academy and Finland’s First Culture Media for Brown Girls by Brown Girls.
Ruskeat Tytöt Media is an independent online publication committed to centering and normalizing the perspectives of Brown people in Finnish media.
Dear Finland, We are outraged. نحن غاضبُون
We are writing as Black, Brown, migrant, indigenous and anti-racist groups in Finland.
How Yasmin Mohamud returned home and, through work around permaculture ethics, together with indigenous knowledge, is rebuilding a new Somalia.
Guest Editors’ Picks
We asked four photographers to share with us what they captured during Finland’s BLM protests.
A Photo Essay by Helmi Okpara.
“Yet here I am, the eternal immigrant, even in for us, by us spaces. “
Neicia Marsh’s essay about the Black experience online.
We asked four photographers to share with us what they captured during Finland’s BLM protests.
Leonardo Custódio, PhD reflects in his essay on whiteness, Black masculinity and his own racism against Black women.
Art & Literature
A Moment with Seinabo Sey
Interview of Seinabo Sey by Journalist Renaz Ebrahimi.
A Photo Essay from Helmi Okpara.
Ruskeat Tytöt Media had a chat with the Swedish writer about his book The Family Clauset.
Curator Jonni Korhonen’s two-part digital artwork about finding comfort in the time of corona.
Essay and checklist by Koko Hubara
“People would go to altered states where they would forget the problems and the concerns of their ordinary life.”
No Single Struggle (and Five Questions for Activists and Corporations)
Is it but a dream to represent many critical political agendas at once?
Why Were We Not Outraged? #protectblackgirlstoo
Plan International Finland’s campaign reveals how problematically black and brown bodies are displayed in the West.
Q&A: Amina Wadud
The Islamic Feminist reformer called the Lady Imam: “Everyone has the agency to interpret Islam.”
Sahwira Africa International Reaches Compromise with Plan International Finland and Ad Agency
That Style
Se Tyyli (That Style in English) is a five-part short documentary series about five young style influencers in Finland. The series is a Ruskeat Tytöt Media production for Yle Kioski.
Artist at Work: Sasha Huber
Artist at Work is a video series introducing four of the most interesting contemporary artists and their exceptional methods and thematic starting points. In the second episode, we meet visual artist Sasha Huber, whose tools include, among other things, a stapler.
Artist at Work: Vidha Saumya
Artist at Work is a video series introducing four of the most interesting contemporary artists and their exceptional methods and thematic starting points. In the third episode, we meet visual artist Vidha Saumyan, whose most important tool is a ballpoint pen.
Essays & Poetry
Neicia Marsh’s essay about the Black experience online.
A Photo Essay from Helmi Okpara.
Leonardo Custódio, PhD reflects in his essay on whiteness, Black masculinity and his own racism against Black women.
“Yet here I am, the eternal immigrant, even in for us, by us spaces. “

About Us
Ruskeat Tytöt Media is Finland’s first culture media [and writing academy] for Brown Girls by Brown Girls.
We are an independent online publication committed to centering and normalizing the perspectives of Brown people in Finnish media.
In 2015, Koko Hubara started a blog named Ruskeat Tytöt. Through her blog and essay collection she coined the term “Ruskea” [“Brown”] in the Finnish context. In 2017 the blog was expanded to a non-profit organization and online media platform. Koko Hubara was Ruskeat Tytöt Media’s Editor-in-Chief from 2017 to 2019. Today Ruskeat Tytöt Media has several Guest Editors.
RT LIT Akatemia
RT LIT Akatemia is a media and writing academy for Us by Us.
RT LIT Academy was founded by Ruskeat Tytöt in 2017 with a mission to expand representations in the fields of Finnish literature and media. All Brown people, regardless of gender, can attend RT LIT Academy’s courses. The courses are primarily open to all ages with no requirements of prior experience.

“Ruskeat Tytöt” = “Brown Girls”
“Brown” [Ruskeat] can refer to anyone who becomes racialized in Finland and the Nordics. Racialization is a political process, which creates, upholds and determines concepts of so called race. It is a process of categorization, othering and marginalization, which takes place through many different systems, customs and social practices.
In European societies all people are racialized, we however use the term Brown to describe those who are racialized in a negative way or as the “other”. We believe everyone has the right for self determination when it comes to words used to describe themselves.
“Girls” [Tytöt] in this context refers to the gender spectrum. We focus especially on representing all genders that are systemically underrepresented in the field of media.
Contact us: info@ruskeattytot.fi
We receive numerous new inquiries weekly and due to the project-by-project basis and part time nature of our work, our response time might vary. Thank you for your patience!