Dear Diaspora
We asked Finland’s first Somali-born MP Suldaan Said Ahmed to curate a playlist for you.
Text: Shukri Carabey
Photography: Shukri Carabey
November 25, 2021
Whether you feel a strong connection to your heritage or are in the process of discovering more, it is a fact that the places, communities and cultures we come from shape who we are.
This playlist reflects something we all experience: searching for community and belonging. Digging into the edges and roots of diaspora.
Dear Diaspora is curated by Finland’s first Somali-born MP Suldaan Said Ahmed.
Suldaan Said Ahmed is a young man from East Helsinki, a Member of Parliament and a councilman. Ahmed’s roots are from Somalia and he maintains his Somali identity for instance by listening to Somali music and following Somalia’s progress.
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